When they are bigger, you can hear kicks and movements and it's magical. Sometimes I have to sweep it right over my pelvic bone to hear baby at 18wks.

Definitely get one that needs jelly, they are much better and remember that baby is pretty low down. It was a bit difficult finding hb in the early stages and sometimes I had to give up, but I don't think it increased my paranoia when I couldn't. You can then email/Facebook/Twitter it and be a proper pregnancy bore!

Mine was the Angelsounds one as well, I think it's excellent for £20 and you can hook it up to your computer and make a recording of baby's heartbeat which is so precious. I have a doppler, used it both pregnancies at around the same stage. Please tell me your positive doppler experiences and tell me to stop being crazy. I know there are ones you can buy and also ones to hire but is it to early for me to hear the hb? I'm being totally psychotic and am therefore considering getting a doppler. I am at that in between stage of being pregnant but am I really? It's too early for movements and although I have a bump already it is not significant enough to notice growth. Nothing is going to happen until my 20week scan. Suffering HG and on meds for the awful sickness.Īll was fine at the 12 week scan but now I find myself in a state of limbo. Really chuffed obviously but so so scared to let myself believe this may work out. This led me to have a year of infertility and amennorhea, we were referred for fertility treatment but found out I was pregnant the week before the appointment :) I have had previous mcs and also have a bi-cornuate, retroverted, retroflex uterus and PCOS. Is it worth it? Are they reliable? Or do they make you panic if you can't find the hb?